Hi, Sean. No problem. Upkeep of the Mac ham software list has been taken over by Terry Stader, KA8SCP. I'll attach the latest version at the end of this message. (If by some chance it's too long and gets chopped off, let me know and I'll send it in smaller pieces.) 73, Patty p.s. I know that some of the AMPRnet/Internet wormholes serve England; have you tried them? Theoretically, we could do direct SMTP, FTP, etc. sessions between our AMPRnet stations. That is, if I ever take my packet station off the space shuttle frequency and put it back on the TCP/IP frequency... :-) =========================================================== Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 09:01:58 -0700 From: Terry Stader Subject: Macintosh Ham Radio Software 1.0.6 - 3/94 Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.misc,rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc,rec.radio.shortwave,rec.radio.info,rec.radio.scanner,rec.radio.shortwave Macintosh Amateur Radio Software - March 1994 Version 1.06 Please feel free to distribute this list as widely as possible. Many of you have asked if it is OK to cross-post this list? I don't mind, but I would like to know where it is going. If you think it should be cross-posted to other USENET groups, please let me know so I can try and manage these. We don't want to have any duplication or our welcome will be wore out! I will also try and honor individual requests for this list... but I do not always catch all of the newsgroups postings... so please DO NOT reply/ask there! If I am a little slow in getting the list back to you... hang in there! Those of you that can tell me about ANY of these programs compatibility with System 7 would be appreciated! I am going to be adding a System 7 compatability section to EACH description in future releases. If the application is KNOWN to execute properly under System 7, the System 7 anotation will be placed as the last line of the product description. More clarification on levels of System 7 compatibility in the future editions... but this is a start! Some of the information in this list was gleaned from flyers supplied by the software vendors, or in some cases from reviews in amateur radio publications or the README files included with the archive. Some of the information has not been verified for a long time; please check with the vendors/authors for the latest product specs, pricing, etc. NEW/CHANGES: A new group has been added... that of WEFAX. Although some of the software currently available supports this mode, RadFax is the first to be listed as the only function of receiving waether facsimille. I've started adding more version numbers so that our users will know if they have the most current release. Thanks to those that have already sent them in... I'll accept all corrections! This list contains info on updated for several applications: updated information on Kantronic's Host Master(thanks John-WD1V) and Lar's newest release of Morse Trainer 1.1.1. Ivo-ON1XK and Adam-PA2AGA both contnue to be busy with new releases of IM/Mac and NET/Mac repsectively. I know that Adam made changes to support the multiport serial boards... and now we can have up to 16 TNCs connected! Thanks Adam, Ivo and Lars for some great products! A reminder that The World Software Tool and Dye, is one of the newest site carrying the Mac Ham Radio Software. Scott-WY1Z is maintaining these file as the Librarian of the Boston Amateur Radio Club. Look in the following path at ftp.std.com: /pub/hamradio/mac. Check at the bottom of this list for more information on ftp'able sites carrying Amateur Radio software. The ARRL ListServer is also carrying the latest version of this list... in case you loose this one! *** Collections *** Join MacNet and get included in the latest version of "Macnet Roster", a HyperCard 2.x stack that now has > 400 members and is the proverbial "Who's Who" of hams using Macs. You'll find "Macnet Roster" a great tool for finding out who, what and how other hams are using their Macs with their ham stations. It even includes this file! Send $30.00($40.00 DX) check or money order to: WD1V, John Seney, 144 Pepperidge Drive Manchester, NH 03103 USA. All disks shipped First Class Mail PPd. Get the COMPLETE Macnet Software Collection ppd. on 10 disks! Based on your interests, you'll also receive public domain shareware received by our members. System 7 Contest logging, antenna design, satellite tracking, clip art, etc. Microsoft BASIC required for many of the programs. Most of this software is now available in the MacNet collection. Send three formatted 800K Macintosh disks with stamped, self-addressed disk mailer to Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, One Glen Ave., Wolcott, CT 06716-1442. Stan can be reached at horzepa@gdc.com NOTE: Stan has indicated much of this software is "old" and may not work on some newer Macs. Also he notes that most of his collection is available in the MacNet collection above. He will send anyone what he has if you send him the disks and SAS mailer. Extensive catalog including logging, Morse code, gray line, test preparation, satellite tracking, contesting, and packet radio programs. ZCo Corporation, P.O. Box 3720, Nashua, NH 03061. NOTE: This company has been rumored to be out of business! Contains satellite tracking, Morse code, attenuator design, and Ohm's law calculator programs. Kinetic Designs, P.O. Box 1646, Orange Park, FL 32067. *** Test preparation *** HyperCard stacks containing the entire question pool for each license class. Can be used for preparation or generating actual tests. The current releases are: Novice v4.1(new questions eff. 7/1/93), Technician v4.0(new questions effective 7/1/93), General v2.4, Advanced v2.4, Extra v2.4 If you wish to receive these PUBLIC DOMAIN stacks, please send a SASE (self addressed STAMPED envelope - 2 ounces postage = .52) and 800K diskette to the author: Diana L. Carlson, 3 Spruce Street, Hudson, NH 03051. Diana will no longer send out the stacks unless the envelope has sufficient postage for return mail (in general, that means .52-.98, depending on size of envelope) and for those who send a standard business envelope, she takes no responsibility for the condition of the diskette through US mail. Available via anonymous FTP from various sites, including uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (/pub/ham-radio). NOTE: The newest releases of Novice and Technician stacks are available at uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (5/6/93) Author is available via Internet: dls@genrad.com System 7 savy with HyperCard 2.1 Test generators and study aids for the Technician, General, Advanced, and Extra class written elements. Includes the complete question pool for each license. Hypercard based. Coyne Co., P.O. Box 2000-200, Mission Viejo, CA 92692. System 7 with HyperCard 2.1 *** Morse code practice *** Lets you practice any combination of letters, numbers, and/or punctuation characters. Can send user-created text files. RT Martin, N6MZV, 10382 Orange Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014. Also available via anonymous FTP from ftp.apple.com (/pub/ham-radio). Shareware. - used to be called Morse Tutor Sends random groups of letters, numbers, and/or punctuation characters. Available via anonymous FTP from ftp.apple.com (/pub/ham-radio). Or send formatted 800K Macintosh disk with stamped, self-addressed return disk mailer to Jack Brindle, WA4FIB, 726-175th Street SW, Bothell, WA 98012; Compuserve: 73365,606. Designed for those already familiar with Morse code who want to improve their speed. Allows code practice at various speeds and audio pitches. Can generate random sequences or play the contents of user-created text files. Freeware. Available via anonymous FTP from whirlwind.stanford.edu (/pub). Contact Edward Plumer, KM6IQ, for more information; Internet: plumer@isl.stanford.edu. Randomly sends chosen characters. Lets you create your own practice files. David A. Kall, 700 Marine Parkway #314, New Port Richey, FL 34652. MacMorse is designed to help you learn Morse code and improve your receiving speed. It has several ways that it can send letters and punctuation. Shareware. Doug Havenhill, Dynamics and Control, 7143 West Sunnyside Drive, Peoria, AZ 85345. Sends random words, random character groups, and user-created text files. Can also create simulated QSOs with randomly generated text and callsigns. Avant Systems, P.O. Box 5437, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. Designed to teach Morse code to beginners and to improve the accuracy and speed of advanced users. Responses can be typed into the computer; the program will calculate accuracy and timing statistics for each session. Optional speech synthesizer reads the characters out loud for an accuracy check. Zihua, P.O. Box 51601, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. More Code training program. Available for anonymous ftp at rahul.net /pub/davidj/radio The newest of the morse code training programs. MM calculates the real speed as follows: Real speed = Number of Words/end time - start time. And the lengh of word is generating randomly, so if you set even 5WPM, sometimes another value will appear. However you should believe the slidebutton's value. If you repeat many times, the average speed should be 5WPM (if not... anyway, believe the slidebutton's value). Archive is available mac.archive.umich.edu, path: mac/util/organization/morsemaster1.0.sit.hqx The author can be reached thru the following e-mail addresses: h79261a@kyu-cc.cc.kyushu-u.ac.jp. (Eiji AOL account is no longer valid - moved back to Japan after his studies.) MorseTrainer is a powerful tool for learning and training Morse code. Features: Three different training modes: user text, random text, library text; Arbitrary signal pitch and timbre; Arbitrary speed and tempo; Multi-alphabet support; Random text generator; Text library editor; On-line alphabet; On-line manual; Help Balloons; And a lot more. New features in 1.1: Enhanced sound generator, volume control and risetime control. The pitch is set in steps of 10Hz instead of using MIDI frequencies; Speed and tempo limits increased to 80 words/minute as a result of the enhanced sound generator; User-selectable font in the Misc settings dialog. FREEWARE! This version uses TrueType fonts instead on bitmaps fonts so that the user can distinguish 0(zero) from O(character). Furthermore speed and tempo can be given in either characters/minute or words/minute. Archive is available mac.archive.umich.edu, path: mac/util/organization/ Author is available via internet: sund@tde.lth.se System 7 savy This program is for improving Morse Code (CW) reception skill. The major difference between this and other Morse Code training programs is that this one will not continue sending until you provide the correct answer. Major changes which have been suggested and implemented since last version include: after three incorrect responses the program shows the correct character; the list of characters at the end which will show those you know and those you need more practice on; the frequency of the tone has been changed; volume of the tone has been reduced; the character " - " has been added ( dah dit dit dit dah ) Comments can be sent as follows: America Online:K7UPJ, Internet:k7upj@aol.com, Packet radio:K7UPJ@KA3T, Compu$erv:70521,2356, Mail:Box 84, Cascade, MD 21719 *** Packet and other digital modes *** Allows simultaneous TCP/IP, AX.25, and NET/ROM connections. Requires a TNC with KISS mode. Copyright, but free for noncommercial use. The latest releases have added the ability to cut and paste from the console window and support of multi-port serial boards like AE's QuadraLink. It is now possible to have up to 16 TNCs connected up to a Nubus Mac! Adam van Gaalen, PA2AGA, (Internet: adam@IGG.TNO.NL) has been making the modifications to NET/Mac. This version (and others) is available via anonymous FTP from ucsd.edu (/hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming), mac.archive.umich.edu and System 7 ++##NOTE##++ Adam recently sent oout a note to the distribution list about moving NET/Mac to Systerm 7 Pro. If you are contemplating this upgrade, Adam would like to know this... he would like to know about any particular features that System 7 Pro supports that you think should be added to NET/Mac. Please e-mail him at the address show above. This application will create a hosts.net file from the domain.txt file that PC owners use with NOS. Created by Ken-NS1C is available on many TCP/IP packet switches in New England.program. System 7 Mailer program for use with the SMTP protocol. Alternative to the BM program that comes with NET/Mac. Written by Ivo van Ursel, ON1XK. Ivo is continuosly updating his mailer program. His newest release supports built-in BinHex support, selectable sound chimes for incoming mail, "quoting" of forwarded messages and lots more. If you are not using this program... why not? Check for the latest release in the directory before "blind" ftp'ing. This software supports System 7's Ballon Help and is System 7 savy! Available via anonymous FTP from ucsd.edu (/hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming). Author is available via internet: on1xk@igg.tno.nl <<-- new address for Ivo System 7 savy Control panel device that emulates a TNC running in KISS mode. For use with packet-radio modems such as the Baycom kit and PacketMac Modem. Version 1.8 July 9 1993 update since 1.6. KD6PAG found a bug in quoting recieved escape and end characters is sofktiss 1.6. The bug and the fix and patch are all correct, thanks for some great detective work. Lots of doc files and drawings included in this archive! Requires the Serial Tool from Apple's Communications Toolbox! Available on the HAMNET forum of Compuserve, America Online and via anonymous FTP from akutaktak.andrew.cmu.edu (/aw0g). System 7 PacketMac Modem kits can be obtained from: Sigma Design Associates, P.O. Box 49085, Colorado Springs, CO 80919, (719) 260-5513 (after 1/94). Dexter Francis can be reached at FRANCIS4@AppleLink.Apple.COM A new packet terminal front-end by the author of Virtuoso. Savant has a split window interface, but it's also a multi-window, multi-connection interface and will work with almost any TNC, unlike MacRatt or HostMaster. Savant also is compatiple with SoftKISS and the PacketMac Modem. A demo version of the product is available at cpre1.ee.iastate.edu (pub/ke0ph) or via US Mail, send a SAS disk mailer and disk to CM Technologies, Inc., RR#1, Box 83A, Kelley, IA 50134 (515) 597-2051. System 7, 32-bit, '040 cache clean and it supports the required AppleEvents. Terminal program for use with AEA's PK-232 multimode controller. Supports packet, CW, RTTY, AMTOR, and facsimile. Includes cable. Advanced Electronic Applications, P.O. Box C-2160, Lynnwood, WA 98036. The Kantronics Host Master software provides an easy to use, multifunctional terminal program for the TNC. Host Master Mac is a simultaneous multi-mode terminal program for the Mac written by Kevin Krueger, N0IOS and marketed by Kantronics. It is a commercial product available from most of the ham radio stores and supports single and multiple packet connects, packet monitoring, and HF operation (with KAM) each on a separate window, all at the same time. This package retails for $69.95 in the US and is intuitive, friendly, and well supported by Kantronics. Current version as of 10/20/93 is 1.2. It is hoped that a future version will support FAX but currently Hostmaster supports PACKET, AMTOR, RTTY, PACTOR (KAM ver. 6.0), CW, and NAVTEX. Features: text and binary file transfer; packet conferencing; color or B&W windows; cut, copy, paste between windows; call exchange and data/time stamp; auto startup/shutdown commands; transmit buffers for each mode; simultaneous dual port, multiple connects; supports KPC-2, KPC-2400, KPC-4, KAM and Data Engine. Requires: Macintosh Plus w/ System 6.05 or better. Current Kantronics firmware. System 7 compatible, with baloon help PacketTracker ver 1.05 is a program that monitors packet activity and keeps track of what is going on. It draws a graphical map showing who is talking to who and displays statistics of all current stations and keeps a running tally of activity. PacketTracker was written for both the casual packet user and the network manager or BBS operator. The casual packet user will be able to learn a great deal about what is happening in packet around him; which stations are generating the most data and what some of them are. he will be able to see graphically what stations he can hitdirectly and which ones he cannot. For the network manager and BBS operator, PacketTracker provides extensive insight to the operation of the local network and problems such as excessive retries on a path. It also allows for extensive logging of channel utilization and other pertinate information. NOTE: This application requires the Apple's Serial Tool from the Communications Toolbox. System 7 *** RTTY *** Decodes Baudot or ASCII transmissions. Can also be used for packet radio and other digital modes (including landline data communications). Includes split screen, a 15,000-character type-ahead buffer, and canned messages. Summit Concepts, Suite 102-190, 1840 41st Ave., Capitola, CA 95010. MFJ sells MacMultiCom 1.0 for their 1278 multimode controller. MacMultiCom supports all of the modes of the 1278: packet, rtty, ascii, pactor, amtor, gray scale faxes, and many different formats of color sstv. The program requires a minimum of a MacPlus and a hard disk. Requires a color Macintosh and System 7 for best results. System 7 *** Logging *** HyperCard stack that stores and displays radio contact information. Automatically stamps entries with time and date. Contacts can be sorted by frequency, call sign, or date of contact. Includes report formats, a "Q-code" reference list, and on-line help. SanSoft, 892 E. Quail Place, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126. (The same program appears to be available from Heizer Software, 1941 Oak Park Blvd., Suite 30, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.) Contact logging and duping program. Can transmit any of ten programmable CW messages. Generates real-time statistics on QSO rates. System One Control, 3900 85th Ave N, Suite 200, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443. The ultimate contest logging program for the Macintosh (System 7 proof). Covers CW/SSB/RTTY modes and all bands from 1.8 MHz to 5.7 GHz. Allows real-time or post contest logging for a wide variety of contests (30 contest include, new ones can be added). Checks for dupes, figures scores instantly. Offers various printouts (sorts per band, alpabetically, labels etc.) Interfaces to TNCs (KAM, PK-232) for CW, RTTY and packet modes. Built in terminal mode and packet DXcluster interface. Interface to Kenwood transceivers for automatic band/mode logging. MacinTalk voice output for real-time logging as well as to ease post-contest entry. Option to capture log in realtime to printer. Option to simultaneously create a save copy of the log to a different file/drive. Timetable showing actual grayline on a world map. MacContest is free but must be personalized to each user (otherwis it's limited to 50 contacts). To get a copy send a 3.5" diskette and a SASE to Gerald Eberle, HB9CEY, PO Box 13, CH-4417 Ziefen, Switzerland. Moritz (HB9BLZ) can act as a message forwarder for Gerald. Moritz' e-mail address is: gysslerm@saturn.kau.roche.com (Macintosh version scheduled.) Lets you define the rules determining dupes (such as once per band or once per contest). Displays heading, distance, and other information about the country being worked. Automatically enters contact time; if interfaced directly to a radio, also enters the frequency, band, and mode. Shows status toward earning amateur-radio awards. User-definable database fields. Exchanges data with other programs. Personal Database Applications, 2634 Meadow Bend Court, Duluth, GA 30136. A real fine HyperCard logging program! (hey... thats all I got!) N0QGQ This little utility is a handy way to create a logging file that you can later import into any data base for analysis, etc. It also shows you that just about anyone can use Think C and create something on the Mac! Let me know if you'd like the source code. WD1V @ WA1WOK.NH.USA.NA Author is John Seney - WD1V, e-mail address is jseney@aol.com. For a copy of this program, mail a SASE disk mailer and 800K disk to: John D. Seney, WD1V, 144 Pepperidge Dr., Manchester, NH 03103 System 7 Contesting/logging- Have seen references to (March 92 CQ magazine) and heard good things about MARATHON by N 0 IOS. I believe a demo was available for $8. Last address known is: Kevin Krueger, N0IOS, 1780 Ruth St., St.Paul, MN 551O9 *** Propagation, gray line, DX headings *** Displays a map of the world with the terminator. Gives location, prefixes, zone numbers, distance, and heading for any country you select. Freeware. Requires HyperCard 2.0. Available via anonymous FTP from joker.optics.rochester.edu (in the /ham/dxmap directory). Or send a formatted 800K Macintosh disk with a stamped, self-addressed disk mailer to Len Saaf, NV2Z, 52 Raleigh Street, Rochester, NY 14620 (Internet: saaf@joker.optics.rochester.edu). Primarily a satellite tracking program, but also calculates beam headings, Maidenhead grid locations, MUF plots, and band openings. Shareware. Available via anonymous FTP from sumex-aim.stanford.edu (/info-mac/app). Or send a formatted 800K or 14.MB Macintosh disk with stamped, self-addressed disk mailer to Mike Pflueger, WD8KPZ, 6207 W. Beverly Lane, Glendale, AZ 85306. Desk accessory. Displays a color map of the world, including the terminator. Indicates current time for any location. MLT Software, Inc., P.O. Box 368, Portland, OR 97207. Draws a great-circle world map centered on your QTH, with day/night terminator indicated. Displays over 400 DX locations with prefixes and beam headings. Engineering Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 939, Vienna, VA 22183. Enter solar flux and get propagation predictions to desired areas of the world. Engineering Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 939, Vienna, VA 22183. Provides sunlight status at both ends of a path; MUF, F0F2, and FOT frequencies; S/N ratio of the link; and other information. Engineering Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 939, Vienna, VA 22183. Displays beam heading, distance, gray line, and propagation information. Generates great-circle maps. Identifies prefixes, zones, and oblasts. Includes code practice. MacTrak Software, P.O. Box 1590, Port Orchard, WA 98336. A greyline and propagation predictor based on the PC version of MiniMUF by K4CFV. It is available directly from him for the price of a formatted disk and SASE (disk mailer). His address in callbook or: Bob Stamper K4CFV, 12510 Shadowrun Blvd., Riverview, FL 33569 A program called Mac Shortwave that figures MUF and LUF. BXA Research in Plano, Texas *** WEFAX *** RadFax 0.9 is somewhat incomplete and may have bugs, it is capable of receive weather faximile messages via the sound input port of Macintosh computers. Basically you connect your Mac to a shortwave radio and tune in to weather fax station. You set the reception speed and desired resolution and start receiving. I'm not sure if I'm going to add the features that I still feel are missing, but if I get enough shareware payments, I will do so. In any case, anyone who send me a shareware payment of $25 (cash prefered, but I guess there might be a way for me to cash checks too) will receive a disk with the full source code for the program. You will need at least Think C 5.0 and TCL to compile the program. Shareware payments should be sent to: Juri Munkki, Ehrensv 20B8, SF00150 Helsinki, Finland Weather facsimile terminal program for use with Kantronics TNCs. Kantronics rfconcepts, 1202 E. 23rd Street, Lawrence, KS 66046. *** Satellite tracking *** Tracks one satellite across a world map as it moves, displays the instantaneous position of several satellites, or generates tables of all satellites visible from a certain location at a given time. Also calculates beam headings, Maidenhead grid locations, and MUFs. Shareware. Available via anonymous FTP from sumex-aim.stanford.edu (/info-mac/app). Or send a formatted 800K Macintosh disk with stamped, self-addressed disk mailer to Mike Pflueger, WD8KPZ, 6207 W. Beverly Lane, Glendale, AZ 85306. Tracks up to 21 satellites simultaneously, either in simulation or real-time mode. Text screen displays ground-track coordinates, range, mean anomaly, visibility (azimuth and elevation) and Doppler shift frequency information for all satellites being tracked. Graphical screen portrays the satellite ground tracks superimposed on a world map. Polar plot displays graphically the precise location of each visible satellite above the observer's horizon. Developed by the Geodetic Research Laboratory of the University of New Brunswick. Available from Richard B. Langley, R.R. 12, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 6H7, Canada (Internet: lang@unb.ca). A demo version of MacSat may be ftp'ed from directory PUB.CANSPACE on unbmvs1.csd.unb.ca. System 7 Calculates look angles to selected satellites, plots current satellite positions on a world map, and displays the visible passage of a satellite against background stars (either within the program itself or via a data file that can be read into the Voyager astronomy program). Please note that one version requires an FPU to operate! BEK Developers, P.O. Box 47114, St. Petersburg, FL 33743. (Bill Bard, CompuServe: 75366,2557) (Note: This replaces BEK's previous MacSat program, which was not related to the program of the same name from UNB.) Macintosh version of N4HY's QuikTrak program. Requires Microsoft BASIC. AMSAT, P.O. Box 27, Washington, DC 20044. Macintosh conversion of W3IWI program. Requires Microsoft BASIC. Send formatted 800K Macintosh disk with stamped, self-addressed disk mailer to Earl Skelton, N3ES, 6311 29th Place NW, Washington, DC 20015. Or send self-addressed stamped envelope for source listing. Uses world maps and tables to indicate rising and setting schedules, current locations, mutual visibility opportunities, and footprints. Includes Mercator, polar, and great-circle displays. Optional antenna control. MacTrak Software, P.O. Box 1590, Port Orchard, WA 98366. Software used aboard the Space Shuttle and in Mission Control to track the Shuttle. Models engine burns, orbit perturbations, and the Shuttle's orientation. Free online data uploads during Shuttle missions. Commercial v1.5 available from Daniel R. Adamo, 4203 Moonlight Shadow Ct., Houston, TX 77059; telephone 713-480-9631; AppleLink: D3176; America Online: AdamoD. Test drive v1.1 available on AppleLink (path "K-12 Education: Education Resources: Science Resources: MacSPOC: Space Shuttle Orbit Software"). Author is on AOL and can be reached as adamod@aol.com via the internet. *** Antenna design *** Chris Smolinski, N3JLY, 40 South Lake Way, Reisterstown, MD 21136. *** Radio control *** Provides a Macintosh interface for controlling ICOM transceivers that use the CI-V remote-control system. Lets you quickly change frequencies and modes. Also does logging and duping. Requires a CI-V to RS-422 converter (schematic included with program). KE6FG Software, 9763 Pali Avenue, Tujunga, CA 91042. Provides frequencies and DX program info for shortwave radio listeners. The program databases update automatically at 15, 30, or 60 minute intervals, thus providing a continuous display of broadcasts on-the-air at any given time in a spreadsheet like format. Features include sorting of data, scanning, and on-screen changing of databases. The program will convert Tom Sundstrom's dBase shorwave broadcast listing to FreqValet format and will do the same for Shorwave Navigator users. Separate cards are provided for DX Programs, Ship to Shore, and Utility broadcasts. Computer control modules are available at extra cost for the Drake R8, Kenwood R-5000, JRC NRD-525, and NRD-535 receivers. DX Computing, 232 Squaw Creek Road, Willow Park, TX 76087. Telephone (817) 441-9188 or (817) 441-5555 (fax). Author is available via internet: dxcomp@aol.com System 7 with HyperCard 2.1 *** Ham radio BBSs *** Various ham-related applications, including logging, propagation, Morse code, and packet. (408) 253-1309. Various ham-related files, including packet, DXing, and contesting software; AMSAT bulletins; and several ham newsletters. (614) 895-2553. Also available via FTP on AMPRnet at Various ham-related software, including packet, contesting, and Morse code applications. (410) 661-2475, 661-2598, and 661-2648. (more info at a later date) *** Online Services carrying Ham Radio software *** Supports Macintosh, PC's DOS & Windows versions, PS/1, Apple //s, Casio Zoomer. Ham Radio Club (keyword = ham radio) supports all computer types. Software for amateur radio, scanners, swl'ers and general electronics. For 10 FREE hours of trial time send your snail mail address to tstader@aol.com or call 1-800-827-6364 Ext. 6285. This site NOT ftb'able (yet). Internet e-mail. Supports any communications software on most computers Ham Radio area (go hamnet) supports all types of communications formats. Call 1-800-848-8199 for information. This site NOT ftb'able.Internet e-mail. (more info at a later date) Internet e-mail (more info at a later date) Internet e-mail Has ham radio message areas, no downloadable software. Limited internet e-mail. =================================== Misc. Internet FTP sites for Amateur Radio Macintosh software joker.optics.rochester.edu (/ham ) sumex-aim.stanford.edu (/info-mac/app) mac.archive.umich.edu various locations vixen.cso.uiuc.edu (/pub/ham-radio) ucsd.edu (/hamradio) many different subdirectories (/hamradio/packet/tcp/incoming) newest files temp holding area (/hamradio/packet/tcpip/pa2aga) NET/Mac & IM/Mac area ftp.apple.com (/pub/ham-radio) akutaktak.andrew.cmu.edu (/aw0g) softkiss-mac nic.switch.ch (/software/mac/ham-radio) ftp.std.com (/pub/hamradio/mac) If you know of any other sites, please e-mail me info so I may keep this list as up to date as possible! - Terry Thanks for all of the notes and updates! Keep them coming. Did I get all of the versions right? =================================== NOTE: Much of this work was done by Patty-N6BIS as she collected information from many vendors. I would like to keep this list as up to date as possible. Please feel free to drop me a note if you have any additional software to this list. DISCLAIMER: The software listed is not endorsed by Apple Computer, Inc.(c) nor has it all been tested by the author/providers of this information. *************************************************************** * Recompiled by Terry Stader - KA8SCP (tstader@aol.com) * * Original list compiled by Patty Winter - N6BIS * * New information last added 1/94 * * some information not rechecked since early 1991. * ***************************************************************